
The Laboratory Retiree Group is a 501 (c)(4) organization of LANL retirees.

Benefits of Membership

The Main Gate – Retiree and Los Alamos Newsletter (several issues per year)
Member Directory – Social Events – Computer Literacy- LANL Retiree Benefits

Dues are $20.00 per household. Membership is on a calendar year basis and is effective January 1 of each year. Please fill out the membership/renewal form below and send it with your check to LRG Inc., PO Box 546, Los Alamos, NM 87544. If you are renewing your membership please update your address, telephone number and email address.

LRG Membership Application – for new or renewing members

LRG members and potential new members are invited to join the Laboratory Retiree Group at our monthly breakfasts, on the first Tuesday of the month from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. at the Morning Glory Restaurant, 1377 Diamond Drive, Los Alamos (across from the high school). Morning Glory serves a full breakfast and pastries. LRG will pay for hot coffee or tea. Contact for more information

Due to privacy concerns we cannot obtain contact information on retirees from LANL or the UC. We would appreciate receiving any information that you can share about non-member retirees. All information is strictly confidential.